
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Call- Meeting my adoption counselor

Max and Mini..nap time
              Talked with Janet tonight. It went well and I feel better about everything that has to happen and the time frame for it all. There are a lot of little pieces that while, not difficult have to happen at specific times. Medical exams, birth certificates and all sorts of stuff to be filed with our state and the government. 

I have worked out some of the financial stuff and am waiting for the information on a few other pieces. I am also hoping to get the website for purchasing photos and gifts up this weekend as well as the place for people to make donations. I should be ready to send off the application for my home study this week and make that payment. Then it begins the process of gathering information, researching Ethiopia, and meeting with the social worker. 

Some time this weekend I also need to clean my house. Time for a good spring cleaning, just a little early.

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